Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Season for Love Statements.

     As we are walking into the new Fall season, I just wanted to take some time to post a handful of my favorite images that I've capture during... what everyone has come to know as, the busiest wedding season of every year.. July-September. I had the pleasure of attending these weddings as a photographer, and while there, I've captured a few new favorites along the way!... and I'm here to share them with you..... so take a gander and enjoy! :)

Be sure to visit us on Facebook!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mia & Nathan. [Love is in the air.]

Last week I photographed Mia & Nathan's engagement photos, and I don't think that I could have asked for a cuter couple, a more beautiful location, or better weather & lighting!!  This photo session was such a great experience for me as a photographer, and I hope it was an even better one for the couple! This lovely couple will soon wed on August 4, 2012.  I can honestly say that I captured some of my favorite images I have ever taken during this e-session! Here are a few of my favorites that I've edited so far (: Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Maternity session with mommy-to-be, Holly.

Well, I survived my second maternity session yesterday evening! It went great! I couldn't have asked for a better model, the lighting and sunset were amazing, and it all took place at two beautiful locations. A special shout-out and thanks goes to Jennifer (a talented, fellow photographer) for supplying the beautiful locations. This maternity session was to honor this wonderful mommy-to-be and Nolan, her little bun in the oven (:  Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot! Enjoy!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Just a little personal project I'm working on..

Hey there,  hope everyone has had a great week! I know I have (:

I was going to stop by share the latest project I'm working on. It's more of a personal project, I'm about two weeks into it so far. The project is one self-portrait a day, for 356 days.
Like I said, it started out as a personal project that I was going to keep to myself, on the very first day I felt so completely inspired...I posted day numero uno's photo to my Facebook wall and shared a brief note about what I was going to be doing over the course of the next year, and there were a lot of people interested to see what was coming three......posted and so on. I can't stop now, when people are tuning in to see what each day brings (:
I took on this project because I knew that it would push me to grow as a photographer, and as an individual also. I'm already learning and taking away so much from this project, and I know that it's just going to keep going from here.
I'm only fourteen days in, but here are a couple of my favorites thus far. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Stephanie's Maternity Session

Hey there!
    Last week(after graduation...yay!), I was lucky enough to spend a week by the sea, listening to the waves, soaking up some sun, also while I was there I had the pleasure of photographing a lovely "mommy-to-be". This was actually my first maternity session..ever.... and I have to say, I think it went great!!!  Here are just a few of my favorite images from the shoot...enjoy!

Be sure to "like" us on Facebook

Friday, April 27, 2012

Staring into the future

Two years of hard work, thousands of photographs, several long hours in the computer lab, and countless memories later, my college career is coming to an end.  Portfolio show was held last night at the Hickory Museum of Art. I can't believe how fast the last two years have went by. I've learned many things during my time in school, but my education doesn't end here, I hope to always feel driven to further my knowledge of photography with nothing but wonder & excitement. So even though I'll be walking across that stage next week, that isn't where it all ends, it's where it all starts.  I'm given a blank canvas, and what I choose to paint, whatever it may be, will be beautiful.

Monday, April 16, 2012

recent work

Most of my time here lately has been working on finishing my portfolio stuff, for the upcoming portfolio show.  I've also been working on my website  and I've also been working on images from a few recent photo sessions.  I'm going to post some of my latest images from my most recent photo session with the lovely, Patree'. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just a little video...

  Here is a little video slide show that was created for portfolio class.  It's not too fancy, this was my first time every using Final Cut Express.  I tells a little bit of my story and about my photography. Hope you enjoy it!
    In other news, the official Free Bird Photography Facebook page is now up and running, go check it out at
   Some other things that are up and coming: I'm about to send my business cards off to the printers, and also I will be launching my official website soon, so stay tuned!  I hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Inspiration and such...

Inspiration.  Motivation.  Ideas. Visions. Creativity. Imagination. 
The things listed above are some of my favorite things to come by as a photographer.
For me, inspiration can come from anything, and I mean, colors, memories, shapes, textures, patterns, the weather, books, etc.  It's so amazing how one little thought can transform into a big idea, then finally that idea turns into a vision; a picture you paint with your mind's eye.  I'm not sure how I could ever put into words the feeling of being inspired, but I do know that when I am, I don't want it to stop; ever.  It's one of the greatest feelings that I have come to know in life, and all I want to do is take my camera and run with it, going wherever the wind takes me.....taking photographs of everything beautiful.  It's moments like these that I know that I am meant to be behind a camera, taking in life and reflecting back the beauty, even in the little things (:

 Photo by: Free Bird Photography

Monday, April 2, 2012

Numero Uno.

Hey there!
    First off, I would like to welcome all readers to the Free Bird Photography Blog! Thanks  for stopping by. Secondly, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Brittany Stewart,  I'm currently a photography student who will be graduating in oh...thirty-three days (but who's counting, right?!) The fact alone that graduation is in an arm's reach is both exciting and bittersweet; bittersweet seeing as how I will miss getting up each
morning, heading to class to take in the knowledge of something that I have found to be so completely inspiring - photography. Along with the bittersweet feeling, comes a feeling of excitement and wonder; I know that this is just the beginning of the next chapter of my career in photography, and I'm so beyond ready to see what comes next! 
    While in the photography program I have been inspired, taken in a few skills and tips, but more than anything that I've taken away from it, what I value the most, is how I've came to know myself better; what inspires me to live and breathe.. photography.  Photography to me is not just snapping away behind the camera, it's more about documenting the beauty that is in front of me.  My goal with my work is to display a different outlook of the world and life, the view I see through my eyes. 

    I have found that my passion is photographing the very people that make up this world; so if you've heard of the term "portrait photographer"....that's me. Individual beauty,  I strive to deliver that very aspect through my photographs, capturing the heart, soul & unique-ness of my subjects. Finally, my inspiration: where does it come from? It comes from hundreds of things, but most importantly, it comes from above.  Everything I do, I strive to do for the Lord; a bird that has been set free, I have been also.  Free Bird Photography.  That's me.

Jeremiah 29:11